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The trade tariffs imposed by the American government will impact all things in the construction industry. But fear not, we Canadians know how to adapt when things get…interesting.
We recognize that the political volatility in America will have an impact on supply chains here in Canada. With these trade tariffs imposed, we want to let you know that we will strengthen the sourcing and supplying of materials and products to avoid the impact of these tariffs.
Even before these trade tariffs were imposed, we were committed to sourcing products and materials locally here, in the lower mainland. It has always been at the heart of our design philosophy. However, these tariffs imposed underscore its importance more than ever. By focusing on Canadian-made products and partnering with Vancouver-based suppliers, we support local suppliers and manufacturers and significantly reduce the environmental impact associated with long-distance shipping.
We've made a strategic decision to steer clear of American products wherever possible. We understand that rising costs can be challenging for homeowners and clients alike. That's why, in addition to our revised sourcing approach, we have a couple of different strategies to help reduce the impact of any price volatility with products, regardless of where they come from. Our team is ready to work with you to ensure your project remains affordable and exceptional.
While our immediate focus is on local products to ensure stability and environmental responsibility, we will continue to maintain a global perspective with our sourcing. We remain committed to incorporating premium products from around the world. This balanced approach allows us to bring the best of international design into our projects while keeping a firm foundation in local first.
Here's how we're ensuring that every project reflects the best of what's available:
When choosing products for your project or renovation, we will always try to present you with materials and products that are either Canadian-made or not American-made. If a product comes from the USA, we will try to let you know in advance. That's not to say we will have a limited set of samples of materials to choose from. All of our products are still approved by the Canadian Standard Association, and that won't change.
Our decision to revisit and refine our sourcing strategy is driven purely by business needs—a response to today's challenging economic landscape, not a political statement. At Rodrozen Design + Build, our mission is to deliver beautifully crafted, sustainable interiors that stand the test of time. By sourcing materials that offer both environmental and market stability, we're empowering our homeowners and clients to invest confidently in their spaces.
Our Rodrozen Design + Build team will guide you through these dynamic times, ensuring that your renovation or construction project benefits from smart buying strategies and avoiding American-made products to ensure your budget remains on track.